Branding Case Study: Legal Means

A socially conscious start-up enabling funding campaigns for legal defendants facing difficult life circumstances.

The client

Defenders’ Fund, LLC

Business type

Legal defense funding campaigns and subscription-based attorney referral network


Fix the system, change the game.

Defenders’ Fund aims to fix the system with responsible business solutions and funding mechanisms focused on providing access to justice and advancing in the Rule of Law. We bring together defendants, defenders, advocates, and supporters through public campaigns and a subscription-based attorney referral network.

The brand strategy

Brand promise

Most juvenile and criminal defendants are underrepresented, and the result is simple government oppression. We are advocates and professionals who aim to preserve their right to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.


Present the business as strong, principled, and socially conscious.


The justice system is broken, like most other social systems that rely almost entirely on government subsidies rather than private market solutions. We are in a unique position to satisfy the demand for legal services by defendants who lack the means for proper representation.


People who make mistakes deserve to have their rights protected and proper representation. The tide is turning, with the general public’s awareness of the problem at an all-time high.

The Solution


Name – Legal Means

Clear, concise, meaningful, and URL-friendly

Tagline – Equalize the System.

Empowers and inspires clients, attorneys, and supporters

Logo and Identity

Bold and simple. Depicts equality.

Graphic Design

Step2 Branding and Design provided graphic design support for promotions, campaigns, events, and website.

Legal Means montage of branding samples


Legal Means Logo and Tagline
Legal Means Stationery
Legal Means Graphics
Legal Means Website Graphics
Here’s what the client has to say:

As a social-purpose start up in the business of law-industry, my company’s marketing needs are specialized and complex. Step2 Branding & Design recognized this immediately, and worked with me to develop an affordable appropriate scope of services. Most importantly, I felt like I was working with both a consultant and a partner – experienced, reliable, diligent, and talented. By distilling and articulating my vision, Step2 put me in a position to promote my company to serious stakeholders, and, thus far, I have had measurable success in this regard. I definitely look forward to working with Step2 Branding & Design moving forward.


Managing Member, Legal Means

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