Branding Case Study: Phase1 Acoustics

An acoustic engineer looking to establish his new business as the early product design and development solution to avoiding problems late in the game.

The client

Jeff Bevan, PhD – Acoustic Engineer

Business type

Acoustic engineering start-up offering product design, development, and problem-solving services


A fundamental multi-physics understanding is critical to successful product launch and evolution.

Dr. Bevan has years of experience with well-known consultants who lacked manufacturing knowledge. While troubleshooting product noise and vibration, customers would feel dismayed when major design flaws were exposed, especially considering that the manufacturing process was often way beyond redesign phase. Dr. Bevan’s unique skill set and diverse experience enables him to lead and guide his clients from the earliest concept design stage, assuring their best chance of successful product launches.

The brand strategy

Brand promise

We uniquely develop hybrid analytical and experimental techniques to ensure your product’s acoustic integrity and give you your best chance of becoming a successful market player.


Create a business name, tagline, and logo that communicates the importance of establishing realistic and attainable product acoustic performance goals at the earliest stages of design and development.


Promote versatile, multi-industry background and unique and disciplined problem-solving skills.


Over 25 years of direct professional experience enables Dr. Bevan to help wade through organizational gaps leading to cohesive performance between simulation, experimental, and material teams, and, ultimately, launch and manufacturing teams.

The Solution


Name – Phase1 Acoustics

Communicates importance of early adoption of acoustic disciplines

Tagline – Sound Design for Quiet Measures.

Prioritizes strategy and tactics of design and development

Logo and identity

Catchy and easy to recall

Messaging and website

Develop a compelling business-case and convey it through a dynamic, mobile-friendly website. Offer incentives through free data assessments and acoustic and vibration design reviews. Provide sounds samples to demonstrate the importance of reconciling objective data and subjective evaluation.

Phase 1 Acoustics montage of branding samples


Phase1 Acoustics Logo and Tagline
Phase1 Acoustics Website
Phase1 Acoustics Stationery
Phase1 Acoustics Website Graphics

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