Branding Case Study: Tollgrade Communications

A high-tech telecom company with a low-tech reputation needed to freshen things up.

The client

Tollgrade Communications, Inc.

Business type

Provider of telecommunications and cable service assurance products

  • Network testing
  • Network pre-qualification for delivery of DSL and cable broadband services
  • World’s largest network footprint; more than 300,000,000 lines under test


Promote the company as a serious player in “Triple Play” (voice, video, data) network testing.

  • Market perception was that Tollgrade only tested telephone lines on old copper networks, despite cable and broadband products
  • Corporate branding was stale and dated
  • Promotional efforts anemic

The brand strategy

Brand promise

The industry’s largest installed footprint provides an ideal entry point toward gaining access for broadband network testing, deployment, and service assurance.


Refresh corporate identity, marketing language, and promotions to reflect new market positioning.


Leverage Tollgrade’s large footprint as a point of entry into broadband service assurance. Associate “Tollgrade” with “Broadband.”


Position Tollgrade’s pedigree in traditional copper testing as an attribute of their technology and service. Reaffirm and validate “Network Assurance Simplified” tagline through outbound promotions.

The Solution


New Positioning Statement

“Tollgrade is Everywhere Your Broadband Network Needs to Be.”


Logo and Identity
  • New logo and identity
  • Redesigned web site
  • Redesigned literature system with new product photography
Marketing & promotions
  • Advertising, direct mail, and e-mail campaigns
  • Redesigned trade show display
  • Introduced strategy and new identity through annual report to shareholders
Tollgrade montage of branding samples


Tollgrade Logo and Stationery
Tollgrade Computer Wallpaper Images
Tollgrade Trade Show Graphics
Tollgrade Annual Report

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