Welcome to our branding and marketing blog
This is the best place to learn how we think as creative and strategic communicators. You’ll find various observations and best practices about branding, design, client relations, and communications, in general. We try to keep things instructive and advisory. However, we can’t guarantee that there won’t be a rant or rave once in a while. So, please cut us some slack.
8 ways you could be losing customers before you get them (part 1)
by Step2 Branding & Design
There’s no shortage of online advice about prospecting and how to grow your sales. What you don’t hear much about are the ways in which you may have created barriers to them. What if you already have two strikes against you before a prospect takes your call? Instead of offering tips to get more clients, we’re putting a bit of a twist on things by suggesting ways you could be losing them without even realizing it.
Branding and marketing blog posts
Get real.
Don’t claim to be what you’re not. Embrace what you are, what makes you great and why that should be important to your audience.
Six telltale signs to knowing when you have a weak brand
If any of these scenarios seem familiar, perhaps it’s time to consider retooling your brand.
True leadership is in knowing when to follow
The more experts you keep in your circle, the better you’ll be at determining your next great move. And, the better chance you’ll have that your crew will follow and grow with you.
Perception vs. promise
So, if you find yourself continually restating your promise or steering your audience away from false perceptions, then it’s time to take a step back and see where things have gone astray. And, that might just require the objectivity that can only come from outside of your organization.
A branding lesson in a flower pot
If your branding efforts aren’t branching out beyond your customer base, you’re missing an opportunity for it to take root in areas where it can add real value to your business.
An act of aggression can be a good thing.
Emulating your competition projects a sense that you belong. But, ultimately, your offering will only succeed if you can effectively distinguish it from the other guys. And keep doing so.