Cold feet and missed opportunity
There’s no reason why you cannot go toe-to-toe with the “big boys.” That’s if you have the determination to up your game and bet on yourself. I’m willing to bet on you.
There’s no reason why you cannot go toe-to-toe with the “big boys.” That’s if you have the determination to up your game and bet on yourself. I’m willing to bet on you.
If you’re looking to create a new brand identity or enhance your current one, expect to be deeply involved, regularly challenged and perhaps a bit frustrated. It surely won’t happen overnight. But your patience will certainly pay off.
Running a successful business relies heavily on managing resources and using them wisely. But certain marketing essentials require investments and should be treated as such. In fact, many of them are pre-requisites to profitability.
Networking is not just about making connections and creating awareness of your business. It’s also about forming an alliance of credible professionals to help you fill organizational gaps and be able to confidently refer others.
As the year closes, ask yourself how your current challenges and objectives align with your overall vision. Have you lost your way, or are you sticking to your Brand Promise? Is it still meaningful to your customers and prospects? Have you allowed yourself the room to evolve with their needs, or have you boxed yourself in?