Get real.
Don’t claim to be what you’re not. Embrace what you are, what makes you great and why that should be important to your audience.
Don’t claim to be what you’re not. Embrace what you are, what makes you great and why that should be important to your audience.
So, if you find yourself continually restating your promise or steering your audience away from false perceptions, then it’s time to take a step back and see where things have gone astray. And, that might just require the objectivity that can only come from outside of your organization.
Emulating your competition projects a sense that you belong. But, ultimately, your offering will only succeed if you can effectively distinguish it from the other guys. And keep doing so.
Consistency, frequency and, of course, clarity are each critical to having your value statement penetrate the marketplace and gain traction. And, without traction, you cannot build momentum.
Sure, when you go to the local fast food joint, you know that what you see on the menu isn’t really what you’re getting. Perhaps, we’ve become accustomed to being misled to the point where it’s no longer misleading.