That doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be challenged. Quite the contrary. Without honest debate, we can never achieve true progress, which is upward, not just forward.
But, even the best pilots need a navigator to help them avoid the turbulence of going it alone and flying blindly over new territory. The more experts you keep in your circle, the better you’ll be at determining your next great move. And, the better chance you’ll have that your crew will follow and grow with you.
It’s also important to understand that real progress usually requires that you take on some level of risk. But, don’t confuse that with following your gut. I’m referring to calculated risk that can only come from experience, data and reason.
The bottom line is that you just can’t do it all by yourself. So, the next time you’re at a crossroads, it might be best to stop, look around, decide where you really need to be, and make sure you have the humility to ask for directions. That’s true leadership.
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